Where do people usually publish their articles containing LaTeX?


New to this thing! :slight_smile:

It has been wonderful using StackEdit, but I was wondering where (or how) to export my files containing LaTeX equations, since many places don’t support LaTeX with the default Stackedit formatting (e.g. Github, Gist, Wordpress etc.)


You can add the Katex CSS to any Blogger blog (I think) or any Jekyll site (which you can host on GitHub) by adding this to the <head> of your blog template:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.10.0-alpha/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-BTL0nVi8DnMrNdMQZG1Ww6yasK9ZGnUxL1ZWukXQ7fygA1py52yPp9W4wrR00VML" crossorigin="anonymous">