Sort files and folders manually


I would love to sort files and Folders. Currently "files and folders’ are sorted solely alphabetical. Though I can drag files and drop them into other folders, I can still not change the place the files and folders appear within the same hierarchical rank. Waht I mean is this: PLease Imagine I have 30 files but no folder: And I would like to rank the important files (the currenly relevant ones) to the top. The only way I might accieve this currently is by renaming them. I would highly appreciate to drag and drop them manually . That would provide me with some added flexibility . Thus I would wish the files and folders were sorted “alphabetically by default” but in case I manually drag and drop a file , I would love stackedit to remember that new position I provided for the file within the same hierachical place. The manually provided Position shall be more important than the strictly provided alphabetical order they have.


Any feedback is welcome ; )