Local images in stackedit document


I’m trying to upload some pictures to enrich my note in stackedit but I would like to add a local file from my desktop. I use the standard markdown notation ![caption](link to image) but nothing happens. From google foto everything works fine. How can I add a picture from local?


Stackedit does not support local pictures, then it would have to store them, which would lead to possible liability problems. Use http://imgbb.com to store images instead. It’s free. Then link to your image on imgbb.com.


Hi, thanks for the tip but I used the link from imgbb and the picture still failed to display? Any further hints please?

I spent a whole night and still can’t figure out what causes this error.
Thank you again in advance!


Figured this out, you have to go to the generated URL, i.e the one you have added to your doc. Right-click the image and click Copy Image Address, then use that URL to add he image to your doc. This worked for me.


THANK YOU. I have been driving myself insane today trying to get the imgbb links to work. Makes sense after the fact, I guess.