How to set default GitLab application ID and server URL, not visible to the user



Thank you for the recent GitLab integration, it’s wonderful!

In our local GitLab installation we want to set up a site-wide application for StackEdit that all users can use by default. Therefore, there should be no need for them to enter the GitLab application ID and server URL every time they want to add a new GitLab workspace or synchronization.

Adding values for gitlabApplicationId (Application ID) and gitlabServerUrl (GitLab URL) in defaultLocalSettings.js is a great start but the values are still visible to the user. Amending GitlabAccountModal.vue to disable the input elements is also another way to make it obvious that these values are preset for all users.

However, I was wondering if there is a way (or a future plan) to set default site-wide (hidden) values for the Application ID and the GitLab URL.

I’m happy to open a GitHub issue for this if you think it’s a reasonable request.

Thank you,
